Course Outline


  • Why sleep is important
  • Why it needs to be taught
  • General developmental milestones related to sleep
    • Attachment
    • Social smiles
    • Object permanence
    • Separation anxiety
    • Leaps
    • Gross motor skills


  • Sleep environment Basics
  • Safe Co-sleeping
  • SIDS prevention

WEEK Three

  • Birth – 12 weeks
  • Sleep Associations

WEEK four

  • 12-16 weeks

WEEK five

  • 4-8 months

WEEK six

  • 8-15 months

WEEK seven

  • 1-5 years
  • Tackling Baby Sleep Myths

WEEK eight

  • Sleep training methods/approaches
  • Assign final project
    • Find 2 families to work with for a 2-week consult
    • One has to be in person, the other can be virtual/phone/email/etc.
    • One under 6 months, one over 12 months (preferably)

WEEK nine

  • Sleep transitions
  • Potty training and sleep

WEEK ten

  • Q&A – students come with questions to ask for clarification/further learning.
  • How a consultation works
  • Managing/choosing families
  • Realistic Expectations for parents and coach
  • How to know when to call it quits
  • Keeping yourself safe, personal protection and legal stuff

WEEK eleven

  • Setting up your sleep coaching business
  • Marketing
  • Website
  • Q&A – help and discussion with on-going final project

WEEK twelve

  • Debrief practicum
    • Each student shares positives, negatives, surprises, things they learned, things they would change if they could…
  • Final Q&A for Laura
  • Final exam
  • Graduation and certification documents to follow

Book discussions each week throughout course

Students must read one book every 3 weeks, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child plus choose at least 2 additional books from the list below (list is subject to change/expand to offer more choices): 

  • Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child
  • Happiest Baby on the Block
  • The Gentle Sleep Book
  • Baby Sleep Solution
  • The No-Cry Sleep Solution

On-going Support after graduation

  • Personal guidance from me whenever you need it

  • Direct overflow referrals

  • Quarterly check-ins

  • Continuing Education Course assistance and opportunities